

At Ace Coatings we have found through experience that a systematic approach helps us to deliver the quality interior house painting job, corporate coatings, specialized coatings and any other painting job that we have promised you.


At Ace Coatings, our reputation is based on certainty — your certainty of a job well done. We focus on the details of every project — interior and exterior — and we focus on you, our client.


We recognise that home and business painting is not an everyday occurrence for you. There is education and preparation that needs to take place to ensure your project goes smoothly and according to your expectations.


We do this through a process of communication and education so we can co-create the best possible painting experience with you.


We are professional painting contractors with an outstanding customer satisfaction and referral rating. That means our future is on display every day — in how we paint every type of house and building: interior, exterior, residential, commercial, office, and condominium.





Copyright Ace Coatings cc 2014

Designed and maintained by Elene Carpenter of DesignDynamics